Central Indiana

Merit Badge Events

Leader and Parent Testimonials

My son just crossed over into Boy Scouts at the end of March 2012 and he was the only one from his troop to participate in this event.  His personal experience hopefully will motivate other scouts to attend next year.  He earned five merit badges, Citizenship in the Nation, American Heritage, Cinematology, Photography, and First Aid.  All of the instructors were very knowledgeable and well prepared for the class session.  His favorite was First Aid and this knowledge will help him to advance in rank, receive the merit badge, and most of all prepare him to help others in need.  Although this was basic first aid skills his confidence in knowing where to start and how to act when coming upon a scene has been boosted and his desire to help others in need enriched through the course.  Skills of this nature will serve him well for a life time and could even direct his path to future endeavors in life.  Thanks so very much for all your efforts and support to the scouts.

David Mauller

Assistant Scoutmaster

Troop 9

Selma, Indiana

I wanted to send you a personal thanks for Merit Badge University 2012.  It was very well done again this year.  I didn't have adult leader training to do, so I sat in on a couple of merit badge classes.  I sat in on both Automotive Maintenance (John) and Engineering (Tiffany).  They were both fantastic.  I was so excited that the boys could take classes from such enthusiastic and high quality instructors.  I was impressed.  All the boys in our troop worked hard and had a good time.  We will definitely be returning next year.  Many thanks,
Loren Crook
Troop 486
Avon, Indiana

I personally thought that the event was amazing. It was so organized and well conducted. I was only at the fairgrounds but felt that you guys did a great job.  My son loved the cinematography/photography the only suggestion would be if they are making videos in groups they take a minute to make a copy for each child in the group.  Luckily the boy who had the video on the camera offered to send it to us.  I think the extras for pampering mothers and the pictures were a very thoughtful touch.

Angel Barger

Troop 218

Trafalgar, Indiana



Overall a great experience.  Well organized, plenty of communication prior to event.  Greeters and workers were very friendly.  My son (13) said he had fun and wants to come back next year.  He earned 4 badges.  Great value for $30.  Quality Inn in Greenfield was very nice. 


Julia Dillon

Troop 308

Plainfield, Indiana

My son just participated in the Saturday morning and earned the Citizenship of the World Merit Badge. He had a great experience and was thrilled to knock out a merit badge in such a short time. Considering the inclusion of a t-shirt, photo, and lunch, this was a GREAT value. He would attend again. My only wish is that it were closer to Muncie where we live.


Lisa Kemp

Troop 39

Muncie, Indiana

Thank you for what I consider to be a successful merit badge event.  My son was signed up for the Personal Management and Swimming merit badges.  I was able to observe classes and this is what I would like to comment:
  1. Michelle taught the Personal Management mb and she did a great job. 
  2. Robert, the police officer from Johnson County, did a great job for Fingerprinting and Crime Prevention.  We had a couple of groups in class who were "chatty Cathys", but overall it went well.  At one point I had to ask the scouts who were talking to either pay attention in class or take the conversation outside.
  3. Kelly the swim instructor/helper for swimming mb was awesome.  She allowed the scouts to work through some difficult strokes and retested them.  She was not willing to fail any scout as long as they were willing to put forth the effort to pass the mb.


The quality of the classes I attended was what I would expect from BSA.  I am an Eagle Scout and am proud to support and promote the university as a place to go and get a merit badge in the fashion BSA intended it to happen.  Every scout who earned a badge in the classes I attended truly "earned" the badge.
Thanks for the program and I look forward to attending the sessions in November.  Also, if you need help, please let me know.
Paul Scholl

Troop 152

Indianapolis, Indiana